简要描述:简要描述:Bio-Rad伯乐甘氨酸缓冲液1610734 1610771,10x Tris/Glycine Buffer,1L装10xpremixed electrophoresis buffer contains 25 mM Tris, 192 ml glycine, pH 8.3 followingdilution to 1x with water.
产品名称:Bio-Rad伯乐甘氨酸缓冲液1610734 1610771分子生物试剂
简要描述:Bio-Rad伯乐甘氨酸缓冲液1610734 1610771,10x Tris/Glycine Buffer,1L装10xpremixed electrophoresis buffer contains 25 mM Tris, 192 ml glycine, pH 8.3 followingdilution to 1x with water.
Bio-Rad伯乐甘氨酸缓冲液1610734 1610771
10x TrislGivcine Bufter , 1L,10xpremixed electrophoresis bufter contains 25 mM Tris, 192 ml glycine, pH 8.3 followingdilution to 1x with water.
Use 10x Tris/Glycine Bufer as a transfer bufer for western blots or as a running buffer for native protein gel electrophoresis.
For tank or semi-dry blotting for SDS PAGE gels, usually with the addition of 20% methanol.
For tank blotting of native gels, without methanol.
As a running buffer for native gels.
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