简要描述:简要描述:Bio-Rad伯乐Gold Microcariers金粉1652263 1652262,0.25g/支,0.6um/1.0umdiameter, gold microcarriers for use with the PDS-1000/He and Helios gene qun systems.
产品名称:Bio-Rad伯乐Gold Microcarriers金粉1652263 实验室耗材
产品型号:165-2262 165-2263
简要描述:Bio-Rad伯乐Gold Microcariers金粉1652263 1652262,0.25g/支,0.6um/1.0umdiameter, gold microcarriers for use with the PDS-1000/He and Helios gene qun systems.
Bio-Rad伯乐Gold Microcarriers金粉1652263 1652262
0.25a/支,0.6um/1.0um diameter, gold microcarriers for use with the PDS-1000/He and Helios gene gun systems.
Bio-Rad伯乐Gold Microcarriers金粉1652263 1652262
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